Bus Comparison.
The information below shows the difference of amenities and features on just a few of the buses available through USA Bus Charter. All buses are equipped differently so it's best to determine what options and amenities your group requires and discuss this with your charter bus rental representative at USA Bus Charter prior to booking. *All vehicles always include a driver. Vehicles are not available without professional drivers.
The information below shows the difference of amenities and features on just a few of the buses available through USA Bus Charter. All buses are equipped differently so it's best to determine what options and amenities your group requires and discuss this with your charter bus rental representative at USA Bus Charter prior to booking. *All vehicles always include a driver. Vehicles are not available without professional drivers.
Luxury Van
Seating up to 14 Tinted Windows Stereo Minimal Luggage No Restroom Bench or Recliner Seats No 110V, USB Included AC/Climate Controlled No Satellite TV Ideal for Local Service Under 150 Travel Miles Cost Factor: $$ |
Luxury Mini Bus
Seating Up to 44 Tinted Windows Stereo and Video Medium Luggage Optional Restroom Recliner Seating Optional 110V & USB AC/Climate Controlled Optional Satellite TV Ideal for Local Service Under 150 Travel Miles Cost Factor: $$$ |
School Bus
Seating Up to 71 Tinted Windows Stereo Carry On Bags Only No Restroom Bench Seating No 110V or USB Optional AC No Satellite TV Ideal for Local Service Under 150 Travel Miles Cost Factor: $ |
Luxury Highway Coach
Seating Up to 57 Tinted Windows Stereo, Video & WiFi Large Luggage Capacity Restroom Recliner Seating Optional 110V & USB AC/Climate Controlled Optional Satellite TV Ideal For Local & Long Distance Service Cost Factor: $$$ |
VIP Entertainer Coach
Seating Up to 12
Tinted Windows Stereo and Video Large Luggage Capacity Restroom Sleeps Up to 12 110V and USB Included AC/Climate Controlled Satellite TV Ideal For Local & Long Distance Service Cost Factor: $$$$ |
Still Need Help?
That's what we're here for. Let us help you choose the right but for your group. There's no need to settle on the wrong bus with USA Bus Charter since we have the perfect bus for every group. Only pay for the bus and the amenities you need. Call us today or request a fast free quote online. |