What is a Bus Charter?
Bus charter service is when you arrange for, rent or charter for private use a bus for your group. Unlike public bus transportation or where a ticket can be purchased to ride on a bus as a single passenger, a bus charter is an exclusive arrangement for a group of people to ride on a privately arranged motor coach. When you arrange a bus charter it is strictly for your group and service is provided based on your itinerary, not a pre-arranged schedule or service itinerary. Arranging a bus charter service is an ideal way to transport your small to large group for either local or long distance service. As a nationwide leader in the bus charter business, USA Bus Charter offers hassle free, easy and simple booking process on all bus charter and rental services nationwide in over 350 U.S. cities. A bus charter rental can be a highly affordable method in which to transport your passengers by bus since today's modern bus charter service can be provided in motor coaches seating up to 56 people. The cost per person when divided amongst those in your group can often be as low $20.00 a day, per person for an entire days worth of bus charter transportation service. To learn more about all of the benefits of bus charter service and the process of obtaining a quote and booking this service, please call our office at 800.979.4498 or start by requesting a free quote online. |